Ghost Characters

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This page provides information about Ghost Characters, which is the most interesting technique in Phasmophobia. Information here can be whether obvious or vague. Reminder, they are sourced from Insym, Psycho, CJ and my daily plays, I will keep this as up to date as possible and remove all the abandoned techniques. However, things may change without hinting us, be aware.

Numbers in this guide are fairly certain since they are provided by Developers directly, but some of them are not as they are tested out. I will provide them with an educated estimation.

General Knowledge:

  • Player's walking speed is 1.8m/s and sprinting speed is 3m/s.
  • Ghost's hunting start speed is normally 1.7m/s if unmodified.
  • LOS Acceleration: While a player is being chased and in Line of Sight (LOS) of the ghost, the ghost can accelerate exponentially and get fast really quickly.
  • The maximum ghost speed is the minimum possible ghost speed * 1.65m/s.
  • If not explicitly mentioned, ghosts benefit from LOS Acceleration.


  • After being smudged, Spirit has 180s of hunting prevention period rather than 90s for general ghosts.


  • Wraith can never step on a salt pile.
  • Wraith can teleport to any player at any time, doing so will generate EMF2/EMF5 and you can take interaction photos on the exact point, if you find this kind of EMF which literally comes out of nowhere with no interaction around, or the ghost can do interactions, ghost events or start hunts around you even if you are far away from the ghost room, then Wraith is one candidate to suspect.


  • Phantom manifests them less comparing to other ghosts during hunts. For each blink, Phantom has a slightly longer invisible period while hunting. (0.8-1.5s of disappearing after a blink comparing to 0.3-0.5s for general ghosts).
  • While taking photo of a Phantom, they will disappear, but the ghost event/hunt will not be effected by its de-manifestation, you should still hear its sounds. Also, you will get a ghost photo without a ghost or jams.
  • Phantom can walk up to players at any time ignoring the roaming distance constraint, it's quite like Wraith teleport but Phantom actually needs to walk up to you, and doing so will generate EMF2/EMF5, if you find this kind of EMF which literally comes out of nowhere with no interaction around, or the ghost can do interactions, ghost events or start hunts around you even if you are far away from the ghost room, then Phantom is one candidate to suspect.
  • While looking at Phantom's manifestation in range of the effect of a ghost event or hunt, sanity is doubly dropped comparing to general ghosts.


  • Poltergeist can throw multiple objects at once, doing so will still give EMF2/EMF3, if Activity Chart is available to you, you can find a spike of activity value can be up to 10, the activity is added by each item and for each item thrown, all players around this throw will drop 2% sanity.
  • Poltergeist can make a even stronger throw making them 1.5-2 times stronger than normal throws, Poltergeist's throw travels at higher speed and normally lands on a hard & loud hit.
  • During hunts, Poltergeist will always be able to throw an object in range for every 0.5 seconds, general ghosts only have 50% the chance of doing so.


  • Banshee is obsessed with one player as its obsession. While during hunts, Banshee only cares about the obsession and will ignore other players completely, Banshee won't bother chasing or killing them, players who are not the obsession cannot do any chasing related objectives.
  • However, if Banshee's obsession is lost (Not in the research area or killed), Banshee will start killing anyone.
  • Banshee ONLY cares its obsession's sanity and behaves on that.
  • Banshee can walk to their obsession regardless the roaming distance constraint, like Phantom walking up to any player.
  • Banshee prefers doing singing ghost event.
  • Banshee's singing ghost event will drop obsession's sanity 5% extra.
  • If the obsession dies, Banshee will pick up a new obsession while not hunting.
  • Banshee can make high-pitch screaming on parabolic microphone.


  • All powers of Jinn only works while breaker is ON, turning it off disables them.
  • Jinn cannot turn off breakers.
  • Jinn can move faster while targeted player is 3m away while hunting at 2.5m/s, after getting close to the player it will slow down to normal hunting speed 1.7m/s instantly and regain LOS Acceleration.
  • If Jinn is 3m close to a player or in the same room with one, it can decide to drop 25% of the sanity of all players in this 3m area. Doing so will generate an EMF at breaker, be careful.


  • Mare can start hunting at 60% of sanity if it locates in a room that is light off, but only 40% if in a room that is light on.
  • Mare can not turn on lights.
  • Mare has a stronger motivation to turn off lights.
  • There is a chance that if a player turns on the light in its room, it will immediately switch it off.
  • Mare is more likely to do light bulb explosion ghost event.
  • Mare can be super insane once player's sanity is low and while the light is off, and the craziness scales up pretty quickly as sanity goes down. Its hunting cool-down can be significantly lowered and behave like a crazy Demon.
  • Mare can be pushed away if certain area has too many lights, it will wander a long way in order to find a dark place.


  • Revenant can travel at 3m/s rushing to the player if a player's existence is acknowledged. If not, they can only travel at 1m/s.
  • Revenant will instantly speed up if player spotted, but will lose speed gradually during 2 seconds after losing sign of the players. Being smudged will make Revenant lose sign of player as well.
  • Revenant does not benefit from LOS Acceleration.


  • Shade has 0% chance of doing ghost event while sanity is at 100%.
  • For each 1% sanity loss, shade gain 2% more chance of doing ghost event, capped at 100%, means Shade will do ghost event like any other ghosts.
  • Shade can only start hunting from 35% sanity level, instead of 50% for general ghosts.
  • Shade prefers more on hissing, air-ball and shadow-manifestation ghost events, as the matter of fact, they prefer shadow manifestation so much, they can even manifest as shadow on Summoning Circle.


  • Demon can start hunting regularly from 70% of sanity, instead of 50% for general ghosts.
  • Demon can rarely hunt completely regardless the sanity. (from 100%)
  • After being smudged, Demon only has 60s of hunting prevention period instead of 90s for general ghosts.
  • Demon often has a much lower hunts cool down, with minimal of 20s to start another hunt, instead of 25s for general ghosts. You should expect chain-hunting from a Demon.
  • Crucifix affects Demon in a larger range comparing to other ghosts.


  • Yurei can activate its power to drain 13% of sanity of all players in the same room, doing so will make delusional interaction on doors, while the door opening/closing is quite detached from its sound.
  • Yurei will be more constrained in the room where it is smudged for the duration of smudge.
  • If comparing Yurei to other ghosts, Yurei would be expected to be a bit shy.


  • Oni is mega-cracked, loving doing ghost events back to back, and even more insane while multiple people are around.
  • Oni's ghost event drains twice more comparing to normal ghosts.
  • Oni cannot do air-ball and shadow-manifesting ghost event. Be careful that Oni can still hiss, you want confirm on air ball ghost events to rule out Oni.
  • Oni manifests more clearly during hunts comparing to other ghosts. For each blink, Oni has a slightly shorter invisible period (0.1-0.2s of disappearing after a blink comparing to 0.3-0.5s for general ghosts).


  • Yokai can be angered by player's talking, if a player is talking near a Yokai, it can start a hunt at 80% of sanity right on top of the noisy person.
  • Yokai has a really limited range of hearing player's voice and detecting electronic devices while hunting. (2m range instead of 8m for general ghosts).
  • Yokai is also more active if player is noisy and talkative, and really passive if player is quite.


  • Hantu always has Freezing as an evidence once evidences are set to present.
  • Hantu cannot turn on breaker.
  • If the temperature is cold enough, Hantu's breath may be observable.
  • Hantu has double the chance to turn off the breaker.
  • Instead, Hantu's speed is heavily tied to the room temperature that it is located in. As temperatures are in degree Celsius:
  • 1.4m/s while > 15
  • 1.75m/s while > 12
  • 2.1m/s while > 9
  • 2.3m/s while > 6
  • 2.5m/s while > 3
  • 2.7m/s while < 0
  • Hantu does not benefit from LOS Acceleration.


  • Goryo always has D.O.T.S Projector as an evidence once evidences are set to present.
  • Goryo's Dots cannot be seen with naked eyes, and can only be seen via night vision electronics while no one is in Goryo's room, otherwise it won't do it.
  • Goryo can never change the ghost room or wander in long distance.


  • Myling is quite, the hunting and footstep sound can only be heard in extremely close distance (around 5m instead of 12m for general ghosts). Literally the moment you can hear this ghost is when it's about to be on your face.
  • Myling probably responses little more on the parabolic microphone.


  • Onryo has 60% sanity as hunting threshold, instead of 50% for normal ghosts.
  • Onryo starts the game with 3 tokens, every time Onryo manages to blow a fire source out, it consumes one token. Fire sources so far are Candles, Lighters and Campfire.
  • If all tokens are consumed, next time Onryo blows out a fire, it will have 50% of the chance to initiate a hunt regardless the sanity. (CJ clearly said intention of this early hunt should start at 80%, but this is not the case.)
  • Remind the blow-out must be done by Onryo themselves, fire sources that put out naturally, by heavy rain or because thrown by players won't count.
  • Every time a player dies, Onryo's fire-put-out hunt chance are increased by 25%.
  • Onryo cannot start a hunt if multiple fire sources are presented and lighted, this makes light sources work quite like Crucifix. Everytime Onryo intends to start a hunt in the range of a Candle, it will blow it out instead.
  • Onryo is heavily motivated on putting out fire sources very fast and constantly, but if they failed to do so they will prefer to stay away from the fire source.

The Twins

  • Besides the original ghost, a large circular area is hovered above the ghost, called "The Decoy" playing as the twin. The decoy can perform a decoy interaction in the range of the decoy area.
  • Everytime the ghost or the decoy makes an interaction, the other will immediately interact with something as well, which is often known as "twin-interaction".
  • Both original ghost and decoy can give EMF5 via interaction.
  • Since the decoy is originally an area, its hunt must start after a decoy interaction as the decoy will collapse from an area into a coordination of the position of the interaction and then decoy can manifest as a ghost and start hunting from there.
  • While hunting, the decoy can travel at 1.9m/s while the original can only travel at 1.5m/s.


  • While electronic devices are on and nearby, Raiju can start hunting from 65% of sanity, instead of 50% for general ghosts.
  • While electronic devices are on and nearby, Raiju can gain power from them and makes it travel faster in hunting at 2.5m/s.
  • Raiju has a larger range of impacting the electronic devices. (10m range instead of 8m for general ghosts)


  • Obake always has Ultraviolet as an evidence once evidences are set to present.
  • Obake can sometimes not leave a Fingerprints, while all other Fingerprint Ghosts always leaves Fingerprints. (75% instead of 100%)
  • Obake can sometimes leave special six-finger Fingerprints on doors, windows, closets, lockers, and maybe cooling boxes. For cell doors and keyboards, it will present 5 fingers instead of 4 for general ghosts. For light switches there will be fingerprints way longer than the switch itself instead of a little nub for general ghosts. All Obake special fingerprints have fingers looks like an eagle's foot.
  • Obake can activate its power to make the fingerprints it left half the time it preserves.
  • Obake can now shape-shift to another ghost model with the same gender while hunting, every blink there is a 6.66% chance that Obake will shape-shift and this is guaranteed to happen at least once per hunt.

The Mimic

  • The Mimic always has Ghost Orb presented regardless the evidence settings.
  • The Mimic has a minimal time of one minute to switch who it's mimicking, and if not occupied such as ghost ability checking, start-a-hunt checking, doing a ghost event or a hunt, THe Mimic will most likely to switch around one minute.
  • The Mimic can mimic itself, making it a plain ghost.
  • The Mimic can mimic the player, making itself can do literally nothing.
  • If The Mimic is mimicking a Thaye, it will pick a random age, and every time it succeeds on aging, it mimics another ghost instead.


  • Moroi always has Spirit Box as an evidence once evidences are set to present.
  • Moroi can curse players while answering questions through Spirit Box or giving paranormal sounds through Parabolic Microphone. While a player is cursed, any light sources and candles cannot prevent sanity dropping, and cursed player's sanity is doubly dropped passively. The curse can be paused while the cursed player leaving the investigating area and can be stopped while the cursed player taking a Sanity Pill.
  • Moroi is hunting speed is bold to player's average sanity, upon entering the hunting sanity threshold, for every 5% lower the sanity, Moroi gains extra 0.075m/s speed.
  • 1.5m/s (45%-100%)
  • 1.583m/s (40%-45%)
  • 1.66m/s (35%-40%)
  • 1.749m/s (30%-35%)
  • 1.832m/s (25%-30%)
  • 1.915m/s (20%-25%)
  • 1.998m/s (15%-20%)
  • 2.081m/s (10%-15%)
  • 2.164m/s (5%-10%)
  • 2.25m/s (0%-5%)
  • Moroi can be stunned by Smudge Sticks for 12 seconds instead 6 for general ghosts.


  • Deogen always has Spirit Box as an evidence once evidences are set to present.
  • Deogen always sees all the players, while start hunting, it will pick the closest player as target (Euclid distance) and hunt after the player, if there is another player stepping in between and having a closer distance to the Deogen, Deogen may consider switching to target that player instead.
  • Deogen's speed is bond to the distance between the Deogen and the targeted player, if the target is 6m away from the Deogen, it will zoom at 3m/s towards the target. While the distance is getting shorter, the Deogen's speed will drop considerably, ending up at 0.4m/s while 2.5m away from the target.
  • Deogen can only start hunting at 40% of the sanity, instead of 50% for general ghosts.
  • Deogen can make a special roar though Spirit Box while the player is asking questions right on top of the Deogen (1m range), there are 33% of the chances to get the roar in this situation.
  • Deogen does not benefit from LOS Acceleration.
  • Deogen has increased chances of doing Ghost Writing and D.O.T.S Projector.


  • Thaye is a ghost that ages, this aging can be reflected while asking questions with Ouija Board.
  • Thaye starts the game with its youngest and most energetic form, it can start hunting at 75% of the sanity threshold instead of 50% for general ghosts, it can zoom at 2.7m/s hunting speed and has double to chance of doing interactions and ghost events.
  • For every 1-2 minutes, if there is a player staying in the same room as Thaye, Thaye will age, if there is no player at the moment, there will be a 30-second window added before the next aging.
  • Once Thaye ages, it will drop 6% of the hunting threshold, 0.175m/s hunting speed and 15% of the chance to do interactions and ghost events.
  • Thaye can age for total of 10 times, The oldest Thaye can only hunt at 15% hunting threshold, 1m/s hunting speed and half the chance of doing interactions and ghost events.
  • Thaye does not benefit from LOS Acceleration.
  • Thaye has increased chances of doing Ghost Writing and D.O.T.S Projector.